Welcome to Karnataka Legislature Library

The Karnataka Legislature Library dates back to 1935's. In the erstwhile princely State of Mysore the Representative Assembly was started in 1881 and the Legislative Council was started in 1907. Legislature Library came into existence in 1935, printed debates of the Representative Assembly and Legislative Council since their inception were procured for the Library. It began to subscribe for the debates of the Legislative Assembly. Legislative Council of India and Madras Legislative Council. A few reference books like Dictionary, Hand Books, Election Manuals, Rules, Standing Orders of the Legislative Houses of the then British Indian Provinces were purchased. In 1939 debates of all the British India Legislatures were subscribed. In 1941 Government agreed for the purchase of good reference books and Government also appointed Committee of 6 officers and non-officials members under the Chairmanship of the President of Legislative Council, to suggest for the improvement of library facilities to the members of the Legislature.