Late Sri Mukund Mylarappa
Ex - Member, Karnataka Legislative Council
(Congress - Legislative Assembly)

Term Year - (1957-1963)

Date of Birth
Place of Birth Gopalpuram, Bangalore
Educational Qualification Central High School, Bangalore
Social and other activities
  1. Was closely connected with student congress and sevadal during school days.
  2. Was also actively associated with youth and other organisations and sports in and around Bangalore.
  3. Contributed greatly to Bangalore Adult Educational activities.
  4. Keenly interested in Harijan upliftment.
  5. Took active part in the national struggle for independence.
  6. Was elected to the Mysore Legislative Council.
Bangalore Address

No. E.160, Gopalpuram, Magadi Road, Bangalore 2.

Expired on 12-03-2012